
Space Camp

Now as the trip is over and we have come back to home you probably would like to know what happened there.

So, our flight was on Thursday October 24. We had a stopover in Frankfurt, Germany and from there we continued straight to Orlando, Florida.

On Friday the whole group went to Universal Studios and we had a lot of fun there. From my personal point of view it was amazing and the Harry Potter thing was the best. We spent the whole day there but I still think it was too short time there. I could have spent like three days there. There is a lot we haven't time to see 'cause it's a big place.

On Saturday everyone got to choose what they wanted to do. I went to check out the two outlets located near the hotel we were staying. I didn't find that much what I could buy but I really didn't even need anything special so I got a new bag and pair of shoes. We just walked around the shops all day.

Sunday was the same as Saturday. My group went to Disney World. It was kind of amazing. The place was big and there were Halloween decorations everywhere. Even though the Disney World in Orlando is for younger kids I think it was a nice experience because there's nothing like that in Finland.

Monday was the firs day in Kennedy Space Center. We had the Special Interest Tour where we went to see Vehicle assembly building and a launch complex.
Vehicle assembly building was used to complete final processing for the Apollo and Space Shuttle missions. It is about 160 meters tall and covers 3.24 hectares.
And here's the picture of the launch complex we saw:

We also got to see Saturn -booster rocket and got information about that.
Then we went to listen a lecture. Lecturer was an astronaut Jerry Ross who has been seven times in Space. He told about his experiences and answered some questions.
In the evening the whole group went to Cocoa Beach to swim and eat.

Tuesday was the second day in Kennedy Space Center. We walked around the area and explored the rocket garden where there are Atlas and Titan rockets and Gemini, Mercury and Apollo capsules. Then we went to see Space shuttle Atlantis and got to experience the Shuttle Launch Experience -simulator. Next we had the lunch with the astronaut. The astronaut was the same as in yesterdays lecture, Jerry Ross. He told some more about his trips to space and showed us a video of what they did in space. After that we went to watch two 3D films. The first one was about Hubble telescope and the other about life aboard the International Space Station. Then it was already time to head to the airport. 

That's a short story about what we saw and experienced. It was amazing and unique trip. I got a lot of good memories and had a lot of fun. A big thanks to our wonderful group and teacher.

If you are interested you can find more pictures from our schools Facebook site here.



I wanted also tell why I joined Space Camp so here it goes : )

First of all, this is a wonderful way to learn about space and study it. Kennedy Space Center is a place where I wouldn't otherwise get to go so this trip makes that possible.
Secondly, this is just an amazing opportunity to travel abroad. Also I haven't ever been in Florida so it is something new and interesting.

Also this trip has motivated me to study physics and I am willing to learn it more. I hope this trip helps me in my studies and it will be unforgettable memory.


Fiery Looping Rain on the Sun

Wow! I saw this in the news yesterday! How cool is that!!
Hey guys!

I`m waiting for the trip to Florida very much. I`ve always been interested in space and I want to know more about space. This is a great opportunity to get more information about it!

Eve and I belong to the so-called "working group" ( eve already mentioned about that :) ) and we have to plan what else we can do in Orlando than visit the Kennedy Space Center ( which is the main target). We have a few ideas, but the plans are still open. We thought that we go to the Walt  Disney World and shopping to the fantastic shopping malls. Still need to plan. Fortunately, we have still a little time to plan!! :)

I hope that trip will be immemorial! :)


Hello everyone!

I am also going to Florida next November and I'm of course very excited. I have always been interested in space because it´s so huge and unpredictable. No one knows everything about it. This is  very good chance to get some information about space.

Going to Kennedy Space centre is an exciting and instructive thing. I will learn more about space and know how I can apply these things to Physics, and mabye get new ideas what I will do in Future. I don't know yet what I want to study, so I hope that this whole project will help me to decide.


I'm waiting for the trip to Kennedy Space Center and Orlando very very much! What a wonderful opportunity! The trip gives me more  eagerness to study Physics. It will be great to learn more about space and astronauts. The main target in Orlando will of course be Kennedy Space Center but we will have time to do and see other things too. Isa's and my job is to plan other schedule. So any good ideas?


KYL Times on Space Camp

The information below is based on an article originally published in KYL Times, written by second-year student Karita Tolvanen.

The Space Camp course was launched in the fall of 2012. The brains behind the project is a certain teacher of mathematics and physics, let's just call him the Professor. While working in other schools, the Professor had already tried to implement the course, but without much success. A project like this does demand a lot of time and effort, and not everyone is motivated enough to embark on the journey. That's why the Professor takes great pride in our students, who showed initiative and enthusiasm in bringing the project back to life.

The culmination of the project will naturally be the trip to Kennedy Space Center later this year. The trip will not only give the participants a chance to understand the history and technology of space research, but (and of this I am extremely jealous) they will also get to go to dinner with astronauts. Now how cool is that! However, the course entails more than that. During the course, the students will acquaint themselves with Finnish space research and visit e.g. Kumpula Space Center. In addition, they will study the different aspects of space physics through the means of independent study and group work.

The participants are, as one could expect, excited about this opportunity. After all, it probably is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for at least most of them. Perhaps some of them will shed light on their thoughts about the project in the blog as well! I for one am really looking forward to reading their ideas.

And here they are, the participants of KYL Space Camp 2013 (c) Saana Ranta: